All Secretaries of Craft, Mark and RAM Lodge and Scribe ‘E’ of AR Chapters
Subject: Standardization of email ID’s
Dear Brethren/ Companions,
It has been observed that email ID’s of Lodges and RA Chapters and being used as individual ID’s of the brethren/companions doing the correspondence with GLI/RGLNI as well as within the Lodges/ RA Chapters. In some cases it has been observed that the email ID’s of the families of the brethren are being used.
In order to have a uniformity in the email ID’s it is proposed that the following may be adopted.
A Lodges
Name of lodge followed by no of the Lodge and Gmail
- Lodge Rock of Gwalior No 16
Email ID to be
- Lodge Imperial No 96
Email ID to be
- Mark Lodge Swarn Mayur No 158
Email ID to be
- RAM Lodge Swarn Mayur No 158
Email ID to be
- RA Chapters
Name of Chapter followed by no of the Chapter and Gmail
Chapter Swarn Mayur No 147
Email ID to be
Chapter Star of Gwalior No 20
Email ID to be
Brethren the above will standardize the emails being used by the Lodges and Chapters and also easily identify the email from the address itself.
RW the Regional Grand Master desires that this process be adopted immediately and should be in use by 30th May 2020.
With Greetings
Yours Fraternally
(Ashok Sharma)
Regional Grand Secretary