Regional Grand Master’s Message

Welcome to this website of the Regional Grand Lodge of Northern India, RGLNI. Whether you are a Freemason or a visitor interested in Freemasonry, you have come to the right place. As a visitor, this website will provide you with introductory information about Freemasonry, it’s history & present scenario in India in general & Northern India in particular, and will also assist you in becoming a Freemason if you are so inclined. You will be able to locate our Regional Office for Northern India as also the Masonic Fraternity spread across the Northern Region.mostbet kz
As a Freemason, this site is a repository of information regarding the Northern Region, its officers including past Grand Masters & Regional Grand Masters, details of Masonic Centres & Lodges and various Forms useful to Lodge Secretaries. It has the links to the Book of Constitution of the Grand Lodge of India as well as the By-laws of the Regional Grand Lodge of Northern India. By a click of mouse the brethren & secretaries of the Lodges in the Northern Region can log on to the E-portal of the
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R.W. Bro. Sanjiv Gandhi – RGM
News & Events
Our Grand Master

M.W.Bro.GUTHA KRISHNAN SELVARAJAN O.S.M., popularly known as GKS, was born on 22nd July, 1946 and had his school education in Madurai and obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics from Loyola College, Madras with distinction. He obtained his Degree in Law from the Madras Law College, in First Class. He is a Fellow of the Indian Council of Arbitration.
After a brilliant academic record, he joined the Bar in the chambers of Mr.V.Ramaswami (later R.W.Bro. Chief Justice V.Ramaswami). After initial training, he set up independent practice as Advocate, both in the Appellate and original sides of Madras High Court. He has a lucrative practice in the Bar and specialises in Civil,Criminal and Commercial laws and Arbitration matters. He is a Legal Advisor for many Corporate, Public and Private Sector Enterprises, Banks and Commercial Organisations. R.W.Bro. GKS is also associated with Infrastructure Development and Real Estate Companies namely M/s.Sharavan Foundations and M/s. G.K.Associates, with operations in and around Chennai.
R.W. BRO. G.K. SELVARAJAN saw the light of Freemasonry in Lodge Justitia No.82 on 11th September, 1982. He took keen interest in the ritual working and administration of the Lodge and served in various of ices, before he occupied the Eastern Chair of the Lodge, in December1989. Being an excellent ritualist, he inspired and motivated the of icers and brethren, for betterment of ritual working, clean and transparent administration and meaningful charitable projects.
During his Mastership, Lodge Justitia No.82 participated in the Ritual Working Competition and won awards from the Region. The Lodge celebrated its Platinum Jubilee with great distinction, in the presence of the then Regional Grand Master. He also compiled the history of the Lodge from the year 1971 to 1985 and brought out the same as a supplement on that occasion. Later, in the year 2011, as the Chairman of the Centenary committee, he compiled the 100-year history of the Lodge and celebrated the Centenary of the Lodge in an exemplary manner with pomp and style.