All Secretaries of Craft/Mark/RAM and Scribe E of R.A. Chapters
Subject: Report on the Activities during the Lock down due to COVID-19 Dear Sir & W. Bro.,
Brethren we are sure that most of the Lodges and Chapters in the various centres of the Northern Region have been doing their best to serve the humanity in this hour of crisis due to the attack of COVID-19 the deadly virus.
It is with gratitude that the Regional Grand Lodge beholds all the brethren and the Lodges with honour in doing their best in this testing hour, which is the basic principle of Freemasonry.
Regional Grand Lodge of Northern India would like to bring on record and consolidate the valuable work done for the humanity in the form of a special edition of the North Masons.
All the Lodges and R.A. Chapters are requested to kindly send a single page writeup of the works done including some related picture.
If any project has been done during this time with the assistance of the Regional Grand Lodge of Northern India this may be highlighted separately in the form of a separate writeup.
Kindly have the above write-ups and pictures sent by 7th May 2020. With Greetings
Yours Fraternally
(Ashok Sharma)
Regional Grand Secretary