The Secretaries of all Craft/Mark Lodges in the Northern Region

The Scribe`E’ of all R.A.Chapters and Scribes of all R.A.M.Lodges in the Northern Region.

Sub: Registration and Advertisements in the Souvenir on the occasion of Annual Meeting of Regional Grand Lodge of N.I. at New Delhi.

Dear Sir & R./V./W.Bro.,

All the Brethren/Companions of Craft,Chapters, Mark and R.A.M.Lodges are aware that the Annual Investiture Meetings to be held at New Delhi on 29th February and 1st March, 2020.  It is hoped that Brethren/Companions must have registered themselves and would be visiting New Delhi along with their families.

In order to support the event, it is appropriate that all the Lodges/Chapters in the Region contribute suitably by way of advertisement in the Souvenir which is being brought out on the occasion.We request all Craft Lodges in the Region as well as Chapter, Mark & R.A.M Lodges to contribute generously towards advertisement and the charges are as follows:

Craft /Mark/R.A.M/Chapter Lodges/Masons Full Page (B & W) Rs.3000/-
Craft /Mark/R.A.M/Chapter Lodges/Masons Full Page (Color) Rs.4000/-
Craft /Mark/R.A.M/Chapter Lodges/Masons Half Page (B & W) Rs.2000/-
Back Cover Rs.25000/-
Inside Cover(2nd & 3rd) Rs.15000/-
Color Full Page Rs.7500/-
Ordinary Full Page Rs.5000/-
Ordinary Half Page Rs.3000/-

The funds collected through these advertisements shall be transferred to the “Regional Grand Lodge Fund of Benevolence”.THIS AMOUNT WILL BE UTILISED FOR REGIONAL CHARITY PROJECTS ONLY.

Lodges are advised to send name of the Worshipful Master, Secretary and Treasurer, Lodge Activities, Membership details, Photo of any project, Photo of Banner for printing in the advertisement.

With Greetings


Regional Grand Secretary