
Secretaries of all Craft and Mark Lodges/ Scribe’Es of all R.A.Chapters and Scribes of all R.A.M Lodges in Northern Region

Dear Sir & R/V/W/Bro/M/E/Comp.,

With reference to our circular no.1/2020 dated 2nd January, 2020, in which we had intimated that RW The Regional Grand Master of Northern India had suspended RW Bro. Cdr.C.P.Gupta vide letter no. RGL-18/2019 dated 31.12.2019 from all the orders in Freemasonry under the Grand Lodge of India viz all Craft, Mark & R.A.M Lodges and all Chapters.

After due consideration  and going through the explanation given by RW Bro. Cdr C. P. Gupta, RW The Regional Grand Master has revoked the suspension of RW Bro. Cdr C.P.Gupta vide his letter no.18/2020 dated 10.01.2020.

With Greetings

Yours Fraternally

Ashok Sharma

Regional Grand Secretary/Scribe’E


Cc: Lodge/Chapter Incharges