RGL-525/2023-24 Dated: 17th May, 2023
Circular No. 05/2023
All the Secretaries of Craft Lodges
Dear R/V/W/ Bro..,
It has been observed that in quite a number of cases, the Lodges do take the joining/rejoining member without complying to the provision of Rule 138 of the Book of Constitution. Rule no. 138 is being reproduced here under for the benefit of you all :
Rule No. 138
“(1) A Brother desiring to become a joining or rejoining member of a daughter Lodge must be proposed and seconded at a regular meeting only.
He must be balloted for at the next regular meeting. If the ballot be not so taken, the proposal shall be void. If elected, he shall be deemed to have become a member of the daughter Lodge immediately.
The particulars required of the candidate, as well as of his proposer and seconder shall be furnished to the Secretary of the Lodge previously to the meeting of the Lodge at which the proposition is to be made. For this purpose the printed form of application mentioned in Rule 135 must be employed. The proposer and seconder of a candidate must be qualified in the same manner and fulfil the same requirements as are mentioned in Rule 135 and 142 with respect to the proposer and seconder of a candidate for initiation.
Before the ballot is taken the candidate must produce to the Secretary of the Lodge his Grand Lodge Certificate, and, in accordance with Rule 150, a certificate of good standing from each of the daughter Lodges of which he is a member to show that all dues have been paid, as well as a certificate from each of the daughter Lodges of which he has ceased to be a member, stating the circumstances in which he left the Lodge, and whether at that time all dues were paid, or have since been paid. If any of such Lodges has ceased to exist, and the candidate is not in possession of the necessary certificate, there shall be substituted a certificate from the Grand Secretary stating all relevant facts so far as they are known.”
All are advised to comply the provisions of the Book of Constitution in full which otherwise may result into the cancellation of Joining/Rejoining of the member.
With Fraternal Greetings
Subhash Mahajan
Regional Grand Secretary