Circular No.1/2023-24 Dated: 4th April, 2023
The Secretaries of all Craft Lodges in the Northern Region
Subject: Half Yearly Meeting of Regional Grand Lodge of Northern India
Dear Sir & R/V/W. Bro,
Fraternal Greetings!
This is to inform you that the Regional Grand Board of General Purposes decided to hold the Half Yearly Meeting of the Regional Grand Lodge of Northern India on Saturday the 16th September 2023 at Jaipur.
Information regarding the Venue, Programme, Registration and the other details will be intimated to you shortly.
This may be brought to the notice of all members of your Lodge and printed in your Summons regularly till September 2023.
All brethren may also be requested to block these dates from now to make it convenient for them to attend the Half Yearly Meetings on the dates mentioned above.
With Regards
Yours Fraternally
(Subhash Mahajan)
Regional Grand Secretary