Circular No.83/2023 Dated 9th March, 2023
All the Secretaries of Craft Lodge of Northern Region
Dear Sirs & R./V./W. Bro.,
Regional Grand Lodge of Northern India organised a Workshop of Worshipful Masters, Treasurers and Secretaries of the Craft Lodges on 11th February, 2023 at Freemasons’ Hall, Janpath, New Delhi.
Quite a numbers of the brethren from various Lodges attended that workshop and benefitted by the deliberations taken place thereon.
However, those who could not attend the workshop for one or the other reasons, we are enclosing herewith the Papers circulated to the Worshipful Master, Treasurers and Secretaries of the Lodges for their benefit.
You are advised to forward these papers to the Worshipful Master & Treasurer of the Lodge.
Yours Fraternally,
(Subhash Mahajan)
Regional Grand Secretary
Duties & Responsibilities – WM
Duties & Responsibilities – Secretary
Duties & Responsibilities – Treasurer