RGL-252/2020                                                                                    Dated : 04.12.2020

Circular No.30


All Secretaries/ Scribe’Es of Craft Lodges/ Chapters of Northern Region

All Secretaries/ Scribes of Mark/ RAM Lodges of Northern Region


Dear Sir & RW Bro/VW Bro./ W.Bro.

Our past Regional Grand Master, RW Bro Baldev Nand,OSM was called to the Grand Lodge above on 27th November, 2020.

A condolence letter is attached.

All the Lodges/ Royal Ark Chapters/ R.A.M. Lodges should after opening the Lodge/ Chapter/ Mark/ R.A.M.  should read out the condolence letter and pay their respects to our past Regional Grand Master, RW Bro Baldev Nand, OSM.

Deeply mourned,

Ashok Sharma

Regional Grand Secretary