
All Lodge Incharges of Craft Lodges

Subject: Why should a Craft Mason be a Mark Mason?

Dear R/V/W/Bro., & Sir,

Please find attached a write up on Why should a Craft Mason be a Mark Mason.

R.W. The Regional Grand Master desires that all the Lodge Incharges in the craft may read the paper “Why should a Craft Mason be a Mark Mason” after the raising ceremony (3rd Degree) in the Lodges in addition to the importance being explained during the visits to the Lodges.

Since the Lodges are having only virtual meetings. Kindly present this paper “Why should a Craft Mason be a Mark Mason” during the Virtual Meetings.

Kindly also ensure that a print out is given to the candidate after his raising ceremony.

Kindly circulate this paper to all the Master Masons in the Lodges, under your charge.

It is pertinent for all the Lodge In charges to be present in the Lodges during the Raising ceremony.

With Greetings

Yours Fraternally

(Ashok Sharma)

Regional Grand Secretary

Cc: Secretaries of Craft Lodges/Mark Lodges