RGL-438(AM)/2022 Dated 4th November, 2022
Circular No.68/2022
The Secretaries of all Craft/Mark Lodges in the Northern Region.
The Scribes`E’ of all R.A.Chapters in the Northern Region
The Scribes of all R.A.M.Lodges in the Northern Region
Sub:- Annual Investiture Meetings of the Regional Grand Lodge of Northern India
Dear Sir & R./V./W./Bro./M./E.Comp.,
As directed by RW Bro Sanjiv Gandhi, RW The Regional Grand Master, I am pleased to inform you that the Annual Investiture Meetings / Convocation of Lodge/Chapter/ Mark Lodge of Northern India will be held on 11 th and 12 th February, 2023 at Freemasons Hall, Janpath, New Delhi.
You are requested to inform all the brethren of your respective Lodges/R.A.Chapters regarding the dates and the place of the Annual Meeting and ensuremaximum participation from the brethren alongwith their spouse.
The programme and brochure for the Annual Meetings will be sent to you shortly.
You are also requested to mention in the Lodge Summon the dates and place of the Annual Meetings.
With warm regards,
Yours fraternally
Regional Grand Secretary