RGL-525/2022                                                             Dated: 22nd April, 2022

Circular No.44


All the Secretaries/Scribe’ E of Craft/Mark/RAM Lodges and RA Chapters

Dear Sir & R/V/W/Bro.,

In view of the Improvement In the COVID-19 pandemic situation and withdrawal of almost all the restrictions Imposed by the Central and State government, the Grand Lodge of India bas decided to modify the guidelines for physical meetings.

It has also been informed by the Grand Lodge of India that the Secretaries of Lodges will henceforth Issue “Summons” and not “Invitation”. Lodges are now required to hold all their Regular meetings as stipulated In the By-Laws of the Lodge. The insertion of the paragraph “Attendance Is voluntary and mandatory. A Brother who attends the Meeting will do so of his own free will an accord, and will follow the Guidelines Issued by the Grand Lodge of India for physical meetings”,  in the Summons of the Lodge meetings also stands withdrawn.

However, Lodges must follow the guidelines issued by the local Government authorities in respect of COVID-19 pandemic. It has further been decided by the Grand Lodge of India, permitting Regular Meetings of the Lodges/Chapters on Virtual Mode stand withdrawn with Immediate effect. The Lodges are now required to send its Summon of the meetings to the Regional Grand Lodge of Northern India as well as to their designated officers on the scheduled dates. “Not sending of the Summons to the RGLNI will be treated as No-Meeting has been taken place and the working in that particular meeting will not be taken into consideration.

With fraternal greetings,

(Subhash Mahajan)
Regional Grand Secretary

CC: Grand Lodge of Indla
CC: R W the Regional Grand Master