AIM - 29th February & 1st March, 2020 - New Delhi
The Regional Grand Festival took place at Freemasons’ Hall, Janpath, New Delhi, attended by 1000 masons and families. The Highlights of the festival were as under:
- All the Regions were duly represented
- The M. W. Grand Master., M. W. Rajeev R. Khandelwal, OSM accompanied by Grand Officers paid an official visit.
- 40 years LTS Jewel presentation: M. W. The Grand Master, MW. Rajeev R Khandelwal presented the 40 years long term service jewel to R. W. The Regional Grand Master, R. W. Bro. Anish Kumar Sharma in a very impressive manner.
- W. Bro. Puneet Sohal was re-appointed as the Deputy Regional Grand Master.
- All other necessary appointments to various officers were made as per protocol
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Excerpts from the address of R.W. the Regional Grand Master
“MW Bro. Rajeev Khandelwal, OSM, MW the Grand Master, MW the Past Grand Masters, Esteemed members of Grand Deputation, RW The Regional Grand Master of West, East and South, Representatives of District Grand Lodge of Northern India and My Brethren, I welcome you all in this Annual Investiture Meeting of the Regional Grand Lodge of Northern India 2020. I am happy to announce that our Registration has crossed 900 for which I thank each and every one of you for registering yourself to actively participate in Annual Investiture Meetings 2020. I appreciate the untiring efforts of RW Bro. P.K. Sharma, who kept on motivating each and every one of us.
My brethren, a year has passed since I took over the charge of this Region. During this period we all jointly tried hard to reactivate Craft masonry in our Region and succeeded in our efforts to a good extent, but lot has to be done in the next 2 years of remaining period of my stewardship.
Brethren, for better understanding of Craft Rituals we have reconstituted Delhi Lodge of Instructions which covers about 60 Craft Lodges of Delhi & NCR Areas and concept of council of Past Preceptors is constituted of which RW the Regional Grand Master will be the ex-officio Chairman and Deputy R.G.M will be Dy- Chairman.”
“After obtaining License from Grand Lodge of India, we have also started 3 Roving Lodges of Instructions i.e., Dehradun Roving Lodge of instructions- covering Lodges of West Uttar Pradesh and
Uttarakhand, Agra Roving Lodge of Instruction covering Agra, Aligarh, Jhansi, Mathura, Moradabad, Jaipur & Ajmer and L.A.K Roving Lodge of Instructions covering 26 Lodges at 3 locations of Lucknow, Allahabad and Kanpur.
Brethren it is only by regularity of our initiations, passing and raising of candidates in our Lodges regularly and in the process giving and receiving various charges. Meaningful messages of these charges is being understood by us and over a period of time it becomes part of our thought process making us a better human being.
Brethren in the last year we had appointed 30 Lodge In charges including 15 of our Assistant Regional Grand Masters. They were given training organizing 2 workshops and through them we could receive detailed report about the working of Lodges and based on these reports corrective measures were taken.
I would like to recognize VW Bro. Sanjeev Suri as Best A.R.G.M and VW Bro. J.J.S. Bhalla Best Lodge Incharge. I also appreciate the efforts of our senior most ARGM RW Bro. P.K. Sharma for doing exemplary good job.”
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I am very happy to announce that after overcoming of initial problems our E-Portal is being used by many lodges and about 40% of our returns are being filed online and we are trying to take it to 100%.
Brethren, encouraged by the generous response from all of you we had already setup our fully equipped Masonic Eye Centre at a total cost of Rs.1.60 Crore in our Prestigious Project of General William Masonic Polyclinic which was inaugurated by our beloved MW Bro. Rajeev Ramakrishna Khandelwal, MW The Grand Master, on the eve of our Half Yearly Meeting on 22nd September, 2019.
Our Masonic Public School with 2400 students is maintaining excellent result. We are proud of this Masonic Institution which with a nominal fee providing best education to its students. I place on record our sincere appreciation to RW Bro. M.K. Mahajan for his selfless contribution in Development of school and The Principle Mrs. Neelam Kumar.
At the end I would like to express my Gratitude to RW Bro. M.K. Mahajan our outgoing President of his continuous advice and active participation. I also thankful for our outgoing ARGMs for their actively discharging their duties. Above all I thank RW Bro. Sanjeev Gandhi, Chairman, Steering Committee for excellent organization of this Annual Investiture Meeting 2020.”