RGL-525/2023-24 Dated : 04th May, 2023
All the Scribe’E’s of R.A. Chapters
Dear Sir & E.Comp.,
It is hereby brought to the information of you all that book of General Regulations of Supreme Grand Chapter of India Rule No. 70 provides that proposal for exaltation can also be made by notice atleast fourteen days before the convocation. This will help the companion to propose the name which could not be proposed in the last regular convocation. The abstract of the Rule is being reproduced herewith:
“Candidates for admission into a Chapter must be duly proposed and seconded by subscribing members of the Chapter or by Honorary Members who have served as First Principals of the Chapter, to whom the candidate is known personally. Such proposition may take place at a regular convocation or by notice in writing transmitted by the proposer to the Scribe E at least fourteen days before the convocation. The date of proposal of a candidate for exaltation or joining shall be specified in the summons for the meeting at which the ballot is to take place.
In the case of candidate for exaltation there must be produced a certificate from every Lodge of which is or has been a member drawn up in accordance with Rule 150, Book of Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of India and in the case of a candidate for joining or rejoining there must be produced a Certificate from every Chapter of which he is or has been a member drawn in accordance with Regulation 74.”
With Fraternal Greetings
(Subhash Mahajan)
Regional Grand Secretary