RGL – 468 Dated: 03rd November, 2023
Circular No.-25/2023
The Secretaries of Craft Lodges in Delhi/NCR
Dear Sir & R/V/W.Bro,
Regional Grand Lodge of Northern India under the aegis of Grand Lodge of India was formed on Monday the 27th November 1961. The Regional Board of General Purposes has decided to celebrate the formation day of the Regional Grand Lodge of Northern India every year on the first Saturday of December.
In view of the same it has been decided that all the Lodges of DELHI NCR will celebrate the Formation Day on Saturday the 2nd December 2023 at Freemasons Hall, Janpath, New Delhi. This will be a family get-together with live music and festivities.
The programme will start at 6:45 pm and will be followed by refreshments and Dinner. A lucky draw will also be held with 10 prizes.
The registration/entry charges have been fixed at Rs. 1,000 for individual and for spouse Rs. 800/-.
RW the Regional Grand Master RW Bro Sanjiv Gandhi appeals to each Lodge of DELHI NCR to contribute Rs. 1,500/- or more to meet out the basic cost for the celebration of the Formation Day. Cheque is to be drawn in favour of the Regional Grand Lodge Festival Fund.
You are requested to read this Circular in the next meeting of your Lodge and circulate it to all the members of the Lodge for their information.
With fraternal greetings and regards,
Subhash Mahajan
Regional Grand Secretary