RGL-413-14-15                                                                                 Dated: 30th May, 2023

Circular No. 14/2023-24


All the secretaries of Craft Lodges

Dear Sir & R/V/W/Bro.

As you all know all the four regions under the Grand Lodge of India hold their Half Yearly Meetings every year like your own Regional Grand Lodge of Northern India holding its Half Yearly Meeting on 15th & 16th September, 2023 at Jaipur.

This year all the four Regional Grand Masters have taken the initiative to publish a combined Brochure for Half Yearly Meetings of all the Regional Grand Lodges, so that brethren are encouraged to attend the meetings of other Regions as well.

You are requested to circulate the combined brochure, which is attached with this letter to all the members of your Lodge. The Brochure will enable the brethren to know the detailed programme of each Region’s meeting and plan their visit in advance.

With Greetings

Subhash Mahajan

Regional Grand Secretary

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